January 5, 2014

The kitchen habit

Happy New Month
I've found that if I say Happy New Year I'm overwhelmed by the length of commitment, so I'll just keep my commitments for organizing at a minimum-one month at a time-one room at a time because I always bite off more than I can chew...my parent's used to say that phrase whenever I served myself too much of a favorite food and then couldn't finish the amount on my plate. What a waste...

The principle holds true for organization too. I start with good intentions and then fail to finish the 'Martha Stewart' list...which was an impossible dream to begin with-what was I thinking? So the plan this month is to keep the list small-choose 3 tasks from the list below for a week or two weeks, then pick 3 more and so on and so on for the month of January. 
  1. Gadgets and cooking tools
  2. Small appliances
  3. Clear off the kitchen table top
  4. Clear off the counter-tops
  5. Tablecloths, napkins and placemats
  6. Plastic cups, water bottles, food storage containers
  7. Zippered plastic bags, aluminum foil and plastic wrap
  8. Cabinet shelves and drawers
  9. Junk drawer
  10. Under the kitchen sink
  11. Tops of cabinets
  12. Pots and pans (and match each w/lid)
  13. Baking dishes and sheets
  14. Top and front of refrigerator

Kitchen organizing help can be found on youtube.com and How To Organize Kitchen Drawers
So do you have an organization plan this month and if so, please share.
Have a great day and have fun organizing!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I will be tackling the tornado guest room! Eventually it'll look normal again.